Who We Are
The Pure Energy Europe 21 years of activity in the renewable energy sector by adding some activities marginally treated in past as biomass and water treatment. Termination of incentives, closure of companies or bankruptcies of giants in the photovoltaic sector, companies that have sold production plants in Europe, Investors who have abandoned the Italian market in favor of other nations that have higher esteem.
In the midst of all this turmoil in the sector, Pure Energy Europe reacted by expanding its operations on foreign and Italian markets. At the moment, the biggest buyers of modules are the Investment Funds that ask more and more often the realization of the modules “Turnkey” plants, this has forced many to forge closer relationships with their main suppliers and to make choices between giving a product to low cost or give a reliable product with a solid company behind it.
As far as we are concerned, we have always preferred to give products that can give certainty of reliability over time, even if this could i t means a slightly higher cost, but certain that the higher cost would have been amply repaid by the first problem that arose verified with low quality modules.

Photovoltaic Modules
Our company began by distributing 72-cell 5 “mono photovoltaic modules with a power of 175 watts or 180 watts, at the time the top of the technology, while for the polycrystalline modules we talked about powers of 150 watts, to date the minimum power we distribute is 400 watts with 6 “ cells for poly modules and powers between 400 and 640 watts for mono, PERC, Half Cell with 144 cells while the race for certified products and stable above 500 watts has already begun and the major manufacturers say they are ready to enter this market.
As far as we are concerned, we have chosen to distribute Tier1 modules or in some cases Tier2 modules that have in any case proven stability, Historical in sales and export to Europe as well as financial strength, transparency in sales and assistance. All the companies we offer are certified ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, TUV which are the certificates that establish the quality of the production, several still have Factory Inspection and additional certificates such as Fog, Salt, Fire and Ammonia.
This is to be able to always give our customers the best service, which does not mean not being able to have problems at all but that if there were t here will be someone who solves the problem that has arisen and not, as often happens with new or low-profile companies, pretend nothing happened or worse yet no longer answer.
The Biomass
Gasification is a chemical process that allows you to convert carbon-rich material like all biomasses into carbon monoxide, hydrogen and other gaseous compounds.
The thermal degradation process occurs at high temperatures, the gaseous mixture resulting from gasification it constitutes what is called synthesis gas (syngas) and itself represents a fuel. The syngas produced is used as a fuel directly in internal combustion engines.
An alternator is keyed to the engine; these transform the mechanical energy into electrical energy that can be put into the network. Thermal energy must be used to support thermal needs (production cycles, civil or industrial heating, drying processes, etc ..)

Geothermal energy is an energy source available free of charge in nature and is an excellent solution for those who decide to heat, cool, produce domestic hot water and electricity in a sustainable way. Geothermal energy is divided into low, medium and high enthalpy, based on the most common criterion for the classification of geothermal resources. The high enthalpy is characterized by temperatures above 150 ° C, it is ideal for the production of geo-thermoelectric energy; was born in Italy in 1904 in Larderello, where the first industrial production plant in the world of geothermal electricity was built.
Medium enthalpy geothermal with temperatures between 80 and 150 ° C is useful for the production of electricity and for district heating for small and medium-sized centers, companies or public buildings.
For private individuals, low enthalpy geothermal is the most interesting, with temperatures between 20 and 80 ° C. The subsoil is used as a thermal reservoir for heating, taking heat in winter, and cooling it by releasing it in summer.
This energetic form does not require the need for probes at great depth and is practically usable anywhere.
A geothermal heat pump uses low enthalpy geothermal energy and is able to heat or cool an environment and also produce water domestic hot.
Waste Water Treatment
Industrial water treatment is part of the regulatory obligations to protect the environment and water resources, as well as water quality intended for direct and indirect consumption. In fact, water is used as a component in industrial production processes, it can be an ingredient of the goods produced or it can be used in equipment and systems that operate or serve production (heating, cooling circuits, etc.).
During the production cycle, industrial wastewater is generated which can be contaminated and polluted to varying degrees. For both of these uses, water treatment and purification are required.
The reference legislation for industrial waters is contained in the consolidated act for the protection of the environment and water, the Legislative Decree n. 152/06 (for italian market).

Charging system for electric cars
The sustainable mobility sector is increasingly in turmoil, until a year or two ago car manufacturers were reluctant to launch models on the the market they used are batteries and many started producing alleys that were neither polluting nor ecological, hybrids to be precise.
The turning point was given by some nations who announced that from 2025 there will no longer be the possibility of registering diesel or petrol cars or with natural gases, let alone hybrids, Holland, Denmark, Norway and other nations have closed the way to cars that are not ecological nor environmentally friendly, last but not least Britain announced the closure of the internal market 5 years in advance shifting the date from 2030 to 2025 to diesel, petrol and hybrid vehicles.
The appearance of electric supercars has dispelled the story that they are environmentally friendly but are slower than the others and soon the other story will fall that everyone they have always told each other to postpone the passing of non-electric cars, the PATH, as much as possible.
Solar led street lighting
This page aims to present our products to the Mayors or technicians of Italian cities and towns, giving them the opportunity to break down the costs of electricity and maintenance of public lighting.
Precisely to facilitate the transition from a mains powered lamppost to a solar powered lamppost, INFINITY ENERGY EUROPE has an offer reserved for all administrations wishing to consider this very interesting form of saving.
But for those unfamiliar with the product we want to make a small introduction. Solar street lights or photovoltaic street lights successfully enter the energy saving market by exploiting sunlight to illuminate
night the city streets giving a modern aspect to an object that has hundreds of years of life.

On this page you will find some videos of systems made by our team. Click on the button below to access the section.
On this page you will find some pictures of systems made by our team. Click on the button below to access the section.